19 May 2024
Illoura kitchen garden project to produce the goods

ILLOURA Aged Care facility residents and staff are relishing the opportunity to grow and harvest their own produce.

The facility, run by Northeast Health Wangaratta, has recently completed a new garden, funded under the State Government's Community Kitchen Garden Initiative which in the post-COVID era has sought to support people having access to the outdoors and enjoying fresh air.

Illoura quality coordinator Lydia Riley and lifestyle coordinator Angie Jude, together with residents and Chris Welsh Landscaping have brought to fruition a dream garden design.

“We wanted to ensure that our design and layout can benefit the quality of life along with the mental and physical health for all of our Illoura family regardless of their age or ability,” Ms Jude said.

“Our design is specific to allow wheelchair access to all areas and is all inclusive in every aspect.

"Our design looked at being able to use the space and equipment all year round.”

Ms Jude said all produce implemented and planted by residents will be edible and then used within their lifestyle cooking program for residents to enjoy the benefits of fresh produce and home style cooking.