27 April 2024
Farmers urged to stay alert to risks of fatigue in danger period

WORKSAFE is urging farmers take extra care heading into peak months for workplace fatalities in agriculture.

WorkSafe Inspector Dallas Braam advised farmers and farm workers to listen to their bodies and not shrug off the signs of fatigue.

“Fatigue affects your decision making and when your decision making is affected not only are you affecting yourself, potentially, but the people you’re working with, who are usually family and friends,” he said.

“Taking a break to get hydrated, have some food, or call a friend could prevent an injury out there and you’ll be going home to see your loved ones at the end of the day – that’s the difference.”

WorkSafe data shows March and November are peak months for workplace fatalities in agriculture, corresponding with the busy sowing and harvest seasons.

More information on the 'It’s never you, until it is' campaign and farm safety can be found at