People and lifestyle
Bush Nippers program to teach kids water safety

CHILDREN will be able to learn water safety in a fun and engaging way with the Bush Nippers program coming to Wangaratta.

Bush Nippers is the first of its kind in Wangaratta and is being held by the Wangaratta Sports and Aquatic Centre (WSAC) in partnership with Lifesaving Victoria and is specifically designed for regional and rural inland communities.

“It’s an incredible lesson plan that teaches kids to identify dangers in the water, enter water safety, learn about water eddies and currents, how to put on a life jacket and float in the water with a life jacket and call for help,” WSAC manager, Sonya Dalgiesh, said.

“The lessons also teach them how to read signs and how to communicate with adults around water as well as rescue others using resources around them such as throwing sticks or a bottle.

“It’s different to swimming in a pool as there’s more to think about.”

The lessons are also designed to give parents peace of mind when their children are in the water.

“The program allows parents to be able to confidently enter the water with kids," Ms Dalgliesh said.

“It’s really important in rural Victoria because children enter water to escape the heat and have fun.”

Bush Nippers is a five day course with an hour and a half lessons each day.

It is designed for children aged between five and 14 who will be split up into appropriate age groups of 10 with the beach also being patrolled by 10 lifeguards at a time.

There will be lessons and games both in and out of the water to ensure the children learn everything they need in an engaging way.

As this is a pilot program, Ms Dalgliesh said she hopes people come into it with an open mind and return in years to come.

“Being a pilot program, we expect people to show up with curiosity and what usually happens is when they come once they normally come again to learn and have fun,” she said.

The sessions will take place from January 8 to January 12 at Sydney Beach on the Ovens River in Wangaratta.

There are full priced and concession priced tickets, with a Nipper rashie and cap included in the price.

“For our sessions we are also offering concession prices because we want to make it inclusive and accessible for everyone,” Ms Dalgliesh said.

“The kids also get to keep the uniform and the hats to use at any Lifesaving Victoria lessons they may go to in the future.”

To book visit or contact the WSAC directly.